bishad Sindhu by mir mosharraf hossain pdf in bangla

The best asset of Bangla literature is bishad Sindhu. The creator Mir Mosharraf Hossain was born in 1847. He is famous mainly for his book Bishad Sindhu. Mir Mosharraf hossain is a famous writer in Bengali. His father Mir Moazzem Hossain was a zamindar and his mother is Daulatunnesa. He starts his education in Kushtia and later admitted in a Kolkata. He worked first as a reporter and later editor of different newspapers. He was the leading Bengali Muslim writer who started writing novels which became famous. Bishad Sindhu, which relates the story of Karbala and the death of Imam Hasan and Husayn. Bishad Sindhu was first published in 1891.

bishad Sindhu by mir mosharraf hossain pdf in bangla
bishad Sindhu by mir mosharraf hossain pdf in bangla
Bishad Sindhu Book Information
Book name     : Bishad Sindhu
Author name  : Mir Mosharraf Hossain
Category         : Novel
Total pages    : 513


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